Calling all Canadians! (and fans of the Great White North)
Thanks to the enormous help provided by fellow Forum member ** jp84 ** (who single-handedly provided us with 95% of our original needed items), my boys & I are down to just a last few (relatively) recent circulating Canadian coins needed to once again get our collections up-to-date.
North or south of the border, as you go about your cash transactions, getting change/rolls from the bank, or finding "Greyside" in your local CoinStar machine, please keep our list below in mind. It might be a longshot, but we'd appreciate any help, and the chance to work out a trade. (Also, let us know what recent circulating U.S. coins you are looking for, in case we can return the favor!)
Thanks in advance!
(number of each date needed are in parentheses):
“TWOONIE” $2 : 2012 with RCM mintmark (2)
“LOONIE” $1: 1997 (1), 1998 (1) , & 2012 with RCM mintmark (3)
$.25: 2017 with RCM mintmark (3)
$.01: 2006P - magnetic (1) & 2010 with RCM mintmark" - magnetic (4)
We also have some extra recent Canadian coins (most denominations), if anyone's looking for help there as well. Just PM us a list!
weekly ttt post.......... thx!
Updated 3/19/18