OPC Baseball - Board Member has an amazing PSA 10 1/1 for sale. I can't find anything wrong with it

It is a beauty. Absolutely perfect card. Just wanted to share, because I would brag if it were my card.
It is a beauty. Absolutely perfect card. Just wanted to share, because I would brag if it were my card.
Wow, that's nice. Heck of an addition for someone's collection.
Gorgeous card. Clarke looks like an old Ron Duguay.
Hey Tom,
Where did you find that beauty ? I know there are some very nice high grade raw sets out there from that year. That card is virtually flawless.
This summer purchased a run of OPC Hockey sets just outside Toronto 1973 on up. The 1975 set pulled lots of PSA 9's and some 10's including this card.
but a bit of a tilt
and centering isn't exactly 50/50 all around
and the price ... PWCC only got $326.00 for it
maybe there is a reason, but why is it priced 4X as much ?
Topps vs OPC and Pop 4 vs Pop 1, appropriately priced
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
ok, I see
Great card !
If you glance at the card it looks like Orr was assists leader, but he was tied with Clarke, who got the smaller picture.
Philadelphia never did get any respect, lol
I can say that, lived in Philly entire life
Exactly right. The Topps and OPC cards are by no means comparable with each other for sales data.
yes, I missed the topps vs. opc thing
still has a tilt, among other things
I don't think its drool worthy,
like some of the comments made
I have zero dogs in this fight. But in full disclosure I have bought cards from Tom before and have a ‘77 OPC currently enroute.
But for this card I’m sorry but I strenuously object.
It is the perfect example of what a 75 OPC Hockey Card should look like. Is it a 10.5? No. Is it an 11? No. Why? Because there is no such thing on a scale of 1-10.
It is a perfect 10. I measure it at 52/48 TB on both corners. 48/52 LR on top and 50.1/ 49.9 LR on the bottom. If that card looks tilted to you then your life must be miserable because nothing could live up to your lofty expectations.
All in good fun but man you must be tough to live with.
If that card looks tilted to you then your life must be miserable because nothing could live up to your lofty expectations.
seriously ?
over a "tilt" comment made a million times over on this board
must be something about mine
I wonder what YOUR life is worth with such a reply
all in good fun of course
here's your tilt
Another reason there should be a 9.5!
Yeah. I was right. You are difficult to live with.
Have a nice day!
This card is almost impossible to find centered. I often am in awe at cards like this Orr when my whole life I've only seen dreadfully off centered and miscut examples. Good luck with the sale.
George is getting very angry!!
The completed sales of this card on ebay shows that 90% of them are way off centered. I only found one that is centered like this.
I believe the big deal is that several members have followed this card for a long time and to find one with this centering is something special.
That may be
but the original poster said he could not find a thing wrong with it
and not that I was TRYING to
but the tilt was obvious
and that makes for an odd centering
I'm not a fan of tilted cards
and since they have followed this one for a while
then someone should jump on it then
It all depends how someone defines perfect. If they define it in the way OPC printed and cut cards from the factory back in that day, then that card is perfect for card #209. If someone is comparing that card to a card cut today by upper deck, then it is not perfect. In other words, you won't find a better card for that issue, and it is absolute perfection for those who know that card.
Also wanted to add that the card is not 50/50. If someone's idea of perfection is 50/50, then the card is not perfect to them either.
nobody said any of that
only that the card was tilted
if all cards were cut titled,
then that would be a non issue
I'd prefer 45/55 centering & no tilt
because when you have a tilt,
a 45/55 centering is built in
me too
Give me a 10x and I will find a problem with any card. It IS perfect compared to any other of this issue. Tilt does not bother me unless it is really bad. Different strokes for different folks.
Nice card Tom. Good luck with the sale.
Must be my eyes. I can’t see the tilt even in the zoomed in snippet. Great looking card.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
I can not see any tilt either.
I may be wrong but I think the "tilt" that Mr. BGS is seeing is because the scan is tilted.
really ?
you cant see where the 1974-75 assist block section was cut and dragged down
and over-layed on the bottom part of the card with the inside borders lined up
showing the out white borders NOT lining up ?
if you still cant, I cant help you
Any hockey collector would love to own that card. It is incredibly difficult to find in that condition.
Yes the scan is tilted in the photo
But the front of the card looks to be square
against the left edge of the slab
Fractionally miscut top and bottom with a
minute skosh of tilt
Given the era, technology and the fact it's
maybe> @initialD said:
it has NOTHING to do with it
it can be on a 45 degree angle
but the whole card is
and top to bottom portion still drags the same
I am
and I wouldn't
and nobody has yet
ok, so I've been looking for a nice 1969 Bench in a psa 8
they sell for $300 - $400
I wonder why this one sold for $200 ???
any guesses ?
yes, I know ... more severe
but a tilt is a tilt
I like a good ol' fashioned fact mission as much as anyone, but this seems excessive @BGS_Buyer. We got it. You aren't a fan.
I'd happily own it.
Agree to disagree?
I guess the point around here is, well this card is tough to get centered
well, YEAH! What i> @MrHockey said:
if you read it all
I just said TILT & it set everyone off on how it is not and its good enough
if good enough is the new PSA 10 standard, then I'm ok with it
I did not post 10 continuous fact finding missions ... I just replied
then buy it
the only person set off here is you
Tilt does not prevent a card from obtaining a PSA 10. Not sure why you continue to raise the issue. We get it. You don't like tilt on any card. Fine.
I've always hated getting the "tilt" when playing pinball. So annoying.
Card looks awesome. Doesn't look out of place in a 10 holder to me in the slightest.