1992 Dream Team Autographed basketball

I have a 1992 Dream team autographed basketball signed by all the players and the coaches. I know most people would say it’s probably fake but I personally was there when all of them signed it in 1992 at the tournament of America’s in Portland Oregon. I am looking for input on the best way to sell this ball and if there is anybody interested in doing a private sale rather then going through an auction house.
Take it to a PSA show or send it there. Only way to get real vlaue is to authenticate it.
Hi, hello, how are ya? welcome.
Do not even think of selling without authentication. Since you were there it should easily pass. Do not think of authentication by anyone other than those extremely well respected in the industry. It will not cost, it will pay. The only reason anyone would sell such a valuable ball without authentication would be if someone knew it was fake.
good advice
Thanks for the advice. Is this an item I should trust sending it off to get authenicated or should I wait until I can get it authenicated in person
That is an incredible ball!
You do normally keep that in a Basketball display case to keep it protected, right? This is not my area but it looks fantastic to me.
I am planning on auctioning it off with grey flannel auctions, if and I can’t find anyone to just buy it straight from me, does anybody know anything about them
As others have said, definitely have it authenticated before selling. Many will be wary of buying it without it being authenticated as there are many fake Dream Team balls out there. Authenticated examples very rarely come up to auction as Jordan and Ewing refuse to sign Dream Team balls.
Any sports auction house would accept the ball for consignment and pay to have it authenticated for you. You would be paying the auction company a commission based on what the ball sold for, but saving the cost of having it authenticated yourself (and that will easily run $150 plus cost of shipping or travel).
Thanks for the info
In my experience, big auction houses will charge for COA and certification. They will sneak in any fees they can.
Send me a message with your asking price.
I am interested, private message me
thank you
Here is the auction for the ball if anyone is interested
Good luck with your sale.
Good luck with the sale, however, you may want to contact GF and have them include better pictures in the listing. The panel with Michael and Magic is not pictured.
Isn’t it unforgivable for them to omit the Jordan autograph?
Good luck. Man, the description is also not up to standard. How can you not list every player?? No Bid, No Magic !!
I don't know what GF is charging you, but it's too much.
Note to self, don't consign with GF.
HOLY _HIT !!! That is one fantastic item. I would NOT have consigned with Grey Flannel. I don't think you will get you as much money as you should be getting. I would have consigned it with SCP Auctions or Heritage if I owned that ball.
Request that they at least list all the autos. If it's complete with all 12 players, that's one thing, but with the entire coaching staff as well? I'd pay a premium for that.
A lazy effort on the auction house's part, no doubt.
Reed Kasaoka
Buyer, Baseball Card Exchange
cell: (808) 372-1974
email: ReedBBCE@gmail.com
website: www.bbce.com
eBay stores: bbcexchange, bbcexchange2, bbcexchange3, bbcexchange4
It really is quite unbelievable that they didn’t list out all the signatures (or at least say it includes the entire team), instead listing a few and stating “and many more”. There are few teams in sports history that matter more in the completed form than the Dream Team - especially since half of the team is extremely tough.
Given the provenance and quality of the signatures, this is a fantastic item. Not listing the signatures in the description and not picturing the panel with the Jordan could literally be a mistake by the auction house house that reduces the hammer price by $1K-$2K.
Anyways, regardless...this is a great item and was cool to see. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the sale.
A bunch of auction houses ( Huggins & Scott, Heritage, etc,...) have sold a similar ball in recent years. Here is one from Goldin Auctions in 2016:
I don't know much about the value of this ball, but I would think that the description is lacking and will likely cost you money in the end if it is not improved. A more detailed list of who has autographed this ball and more photos of all the big name signatures and a photo of the LOA from JSA would also be helpful to see.
Good luck!!!
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Well said
Thanks for the input, I called and got them to add that it is a complete signed ball with Ewing and the whole coaching staff.
Seems rigged to me... they or a friend must want the ball so mess up the listing and get it cheap? I don't know, but it sure seems that way. What kind of an unprofessional place is that to auction items off? I'm not seeing a description at all, just pictures. Anyway, good luck with it.
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