Best card slabs?

Hey guys I have be recently looking for a product that somewhat mimics graded card slabs. Is there anything out there? I know most use top loaders but I'm not the biggest fan of those! I recently bought some of the BCW screw down holders for tobacco cards. It has a section in the middle the card sits it.... How are these? Does anyone know? Thank you guys!
This is what I ordered As far as I can tell the cards don't even need a sleeve as well?
Just one opinion here but the preference is the magnet holders over anything screw down. Opinions will probably vary. (screw them though. heh heh)
Hear people talk about the screw downs clamping the card too tightly and over time it's not good. The magnet holders really do hold the card very well and do NOT come apart very easily. Of course the standard 'best to get them graded' reply exists here also but if not grading, would go the magnet route over screw down.
Hmm interesting, I too heard that the screw downs clamp the card tight but if the card is in the slot in the middle would it still be clamped down on the card itself?
I use the magnetic holders 55pt with the tobacco card inserts for my modern Longoria cards.
Longoria Collector. Love the Longo!
600+ PSA Graded 4,700+ unique Longoria cards scanned on TCDB 800+ different Longo autograph cards Jeff
I didn't realize they made these though, which I guess is another option.
I have all of my Longoria cards (2,000+) in the ultra pro magnetic holders.
Longoria Collector. Love the Longo!
600+ PSA Graded 4,700+ unique Longoria cards scanned on TCDB 800+ different Longo autograph cards Jeff
Everything I own that's ungraded is in a CS1. My #1 priority is keeping the card immovable. The screwdowns apply too much pressure and are too bulky. Everything else, if it were to take a leap off my desk, would almost certainly be exited from the holder. With the CS1s I can pull out my collection whenever I want and sift through them with zero worry. They also take up minimal space. And if I sell and they need to be shipped, nothing beats two pieces of cardboard wrapped around a CS1 in a small flat rate priority box.
I wouldn't use top loaders if I got them for free. Even with an added penny sleeve the card easily ejects from the holder with one thump.
I buy those 4-row wooden boxes meant for graded cards and the CS1 fit perfectly in them.
whats NO, MAYBE, YES mean lol
I have a Maybe grade bin and cards to be graded bin, but not a NO
That Whoozit looks a little cramped.
Haha the no slot is for cards that are too valuable to just toss in a 3200 ct box with the sets I've ripped but in such poor condition that I'm not going to send to PSA. Think of a really, really off-center '89 Fleer Glossy Griffey.
The Whoozit was giving me lip so it's in the time out corner.
Link to 4row box? thanks
You're in luck. I bought mine about a decade ago but they're quality craftsmanship and the company is still in business. Pennzoni display company has display cases for just about anything you can imagine -- jerseys, helmets, drums, guitars, trains, as well as beautiful wall-mounted card displays. Also, these oak storage boxes that I have. I've got one cherry and one with no stain that I sanded all the corners down. I would say they're not ideal if you're constantly traveling with your collection but for around the house I love mine. Here's a link directly to the storage boxes but they've got a lot of other cool stuff too.
Nice thanks! Could really use something for centrally locating higher traffic raw and gradeable cards. And you're not the only one with a NO stash hehe
Both one screws and magnetic are just fine. I prefer the notched corner ones for both. I believe whoever said screw downs clamp the cards too tightly is stuck in the past with the old 4 screw slabs with no relief. Or, they simply just over tighten the screws.