what to do??

Wanted to ask for advice since I'm a very novice collector and a coworker asked me. Her father passed away last year and has left her thousands of baseball cards from very old to as late as 2000. There are unopened complete sets from 1986-2000 and thousands of cards in plastic binders that appear to be in poor to avg condition.
What would you next step be?
thank you!
Take as many pictures as possible. It's impossible to say what the next step is without knowing what she has.
Next step is to go over there and treasure hunt! xD
As good as you can from 1986 -present stuff anyway. Hopefully he has basketball too and then you are in.
What do you consider "very old"?
If you want to be a nice guy offer to take a look at her cards and give her an idea of what they are worth. Show her what the stuff goes for on ebay. Complete sets for the years mentioned aren't usually going to be worth much.
If she wants to get rid of them at that point and you want them, give her a fair offer, letting her know what you are going to do with them, or offer to sell them for her and discuss a deal where you get a percentage of the profits.
old as in 1950s and 1960s. Are there collectible experts that will sell her stuff and take a percentage? Recommendations?
Where do you live?
There's a few people I could recommend to buy a collection if worth buying.
Keep in mind, a collection "top heavy" in 90s/and up inventory is hard to sell.
San Diego. I doubt it's top heavy in 90s and up
No one I know in that area - personally.