Need help identifying ancient coins

Received this and a couple other unidentifiables in an old coin lot, I have no expertise in ancient coins however these seemed to have enough detail to determine what it is. Any info is greatly appreciated- DAJ
Received this and a couple other unidentifiables in an old coin lot, I have no expertise in ancient coins however these seemed to have enough detail to determine what it is. Any info is greatly appreciated- DAJ
Too tough to say exactly for sure. Both are Roman. Top coin, probably Valens or Valentinian I. Bottom coin, somebody from the Tetrarchy. Probably Maximinus II, but it's really rough.
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
Go to coinquest, select genre, on drop down page down to ancient or roman and search. Easiest reference for coins I have found.
Bob Sr CEO Fieldtechs