How to Scan Your Cards BEAUTIFULLY

You may remember my animated gif tutorial on getting your high end cards to sparkle:
That may be a lot of work for some folks, so here is what I consider the next best thing. Want to get beautiful scans of your card each and every time?
Consider not scanning.
Let's take a look at a few examples: 2017 Donruss Signature Series Autograph Blue #/99. Beautiful card, right? (As an aside, EVERY '17 Sig Series Canseco card I've seen looks like someone sneezed on the printing plates - what gives?!)
Gorgeous card! It doesn't look like a uniform scan. Okay, no problem. So you slide this puppy into your scanned, and voila!
Wait ... where is the freaking rainbow?!?!?!
Now listen, I know a bunch of you fancy pants people have sweet scanners that do the job JUST fine. But there are MANY folks out there that don't have this. My solution? A free app called Cam Scanner. I have used this for years to scan and make pdf files instead of actually scanning and saving to my computer. I recently realized you can use it to "scan" cards as well. Simply position your card in the perfect light setting, and snap a pic in the app. Anchors are set automatically around your card, at which point you can easily drag them to the appropriate spots!
The app then does the rest of the work for you. Now you have the best of both worlds.
They look great when lined up all together!
Here is another gorgeous refractory/rainbowy run that would look crazy dull w/out doing this:
If you are like me, you spend more time looking at pictures of cards online than actually in hand. I hope this little tip helps you personally get more enjoyment out of collecting!
Thank you. This was really helpful.
I'm glad you all like it! Here is my latest to the Sig Series Rainbow above
Excellent tutorial and I agree with the results! Nice one, Tanner.
"How to Scan Your Cards BEAUTIFULLY"
I'd first fix my makeup. From there, I'd pick out a wig which properly represented Ann Margaret in her prime. Then I'd slowly pull up some nice white leg stockings and arm doilies while still in front of the mirror. The boxers... oh the boxers... are the most vital. Silky white boxers and socks.
Once that is all complete..... I'D PUT THAT FREAKIN' 1989 RANDY JOHNSON ON THE SCANNER AND SCAN THE HECK OUT OF IT !! while beautiful still.
Thanks for sharing this Tanner. I’m hoping one day to land a ‘98 Topps Blast From The Past Refractor. If I ever get one it will definitely get the .gif treatment you posted before.
In fact I just subbed a Messier Refractor. When it gets back I’ll give the gif treatment a test run.
you sound pretty hot
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Time to start thinking about baseball... hey, the thread's gone full circle!
i uses cam scanner for work .. never knew it would work for cards .. thanks usual
Many of the images I share are with CamScanner. The multi-LED bar on my Epson V330 is just too streaky on some cards.
It's hard to beat an image like this:
Great post, I started to do the same thing with my flickr app. The scanner I have is terrible on the shiny but great on the paper. My only problem, the app won't let me crop the image I have to do that on my PC.
My new website
Holy smokes!
cam scanner does it's job and it's fast..portable ..and freee
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps