Colonial Replica being sold on eBay as original
Posts: 57 ✭✭✭
I have told the seller twice that this note is a replica, the kind that used to be sold in souvenir packs. Pointed out to the seller that someone else on eBay is also selling the exact same replica and listed it as counterfeit and of course it has the same serial number
I've told eBay twice and no response yet. Perhaps if someone else, or a few more people tell them, they'll remove the auction
Michael Atkins
Typical 'dirt bag' listing, i.e. "I know nothing about paper money blah, blah, blah..." plus a nice run of private shill bids running up the price a bit. So very clever. We can only hope seller suffers from painful, acute sideways constipation for his lack of ethics.
Thanks for the heads- up !!!
Reported to Ebay.