Anyone Collecting Boxing Memorabilia??

Hi, new member to this board... just wondering if there are many Boxing collectors here and if so, what does everyone collect? I am just looking at possibly starting a card collection but I have mainly been a collector of fight and training worn memorabilia... guys like Tyson, Ali, Mayweather, Chavez, Duran, etc... Would be interested to hear from other boxing collectors out there!
Welcome to the board.
I mainly collect Mike Tyson cards/stickers. I also have a few of the Brown's Boxing cards like Mayweather and Holyfield.
Show us some of your stuff.
Hi, hello, how are ya?
I would be of little use to you for anything after 1980 and of no use to you for anything after 1990. But if you get into the vintage boxing cards and the prewar boxing cards than I'm ready to talk turkey. Welcome to the board!
I have Mike's trunks and boots from the night he beat Berbick for the title...
Mike's first contract signed with Cus D'Amato back in late 1984 before he turned pro....

I have a few items on Floyd... his vest/singlet worn in the 1996 Olympic BoxOffs. Also these trunks he wore in an early title fight..

Fight worn can be a bit of a minefield with provenance, especially pre-80's , but I enjoy collecting the fight worn items as they are essentially 'one of a kind' if matched to a specific fight. The Tyson gear from his early career (1985-88) was all labelled up after each fight and saved by his asst. manager, Steve Lott, who worked with Mike's managers Bill Cayton and Jimmy Jacobs. Everything up until the Spinks fight in 88 when Mike left the original team and went with Don King.
Steve sold the majority of the collection back in 2012 and I have managed to pick up some really nice Tyson memorabilia.
I am one card away from finishing my 1951 Ringside set and I'll be sitting at #4 on the PSA registry. I doubt I'll ever get to #1, but it's been a fun journey along the way. Very addicting.
IG: goatcollectibles23
The biggest lesson I've learned in this hobby, and in life, is that if you have a strong conviction, you owe it to yourself to see it through. Don't sell yourself, or your investments, short. Unless the facts change. Then sell it all.
Very cool stuff IM, thank you for sharing and welcome to the boards.
There are some boxing card threads but the boxing memorabilia threads are pretty rare.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
I never got into boxing memorabilia other than a few Tyson signed items I have on my wall. The older boxing items fascinate me. A local antique store has a signed Jack Dempsey postcard from his restaurant that looks sweet.
IG: goatcollectibles23
The biggest lesson I've learned in this hobby, and in life, is that if you have a strong conviction, you owe it to yourself to see it through. Don't sell yourself, or your investments, short. Unless the facts change. Then sell it all.
Nice copy you have for your profile pic. I like the Mike Tyson Panini too.
Thanks! I am looking for one, most likely in a PSA9...would love a PSA 10 but i'm sure they will be hard to prize away from anyone! It's a great early image of Mike...if i'm not mistaken it was taken after his fight with Sammy Scaff when being interviewed by MSG Network
Right at the 11:08 minute mark. I found this a few years ago when trying to determine when the pic was taken. December 6th 1985.
I am a big fan of Tyson stickers.
Wow, that is amazing... that 10 is beautiful. Far too many 9's for one person!
@Dpeck100 do you think there is any major difference in value between a UK back or the Italian back?
Yes there is a major difference in the value of the 10's. The last PSA 10 Italian sold for $5,100 and the last UK version went for a little over 2k. So far with the other grades there is a spread but it isn't as wide.
The Italian came out in 1986 and the UK in 1987. I am not certain if PSA saw my research that I posted on this forum or if they did their own but they are now accurately labeling the UK 1987.
I think both are great but the Italian is the rookie. I have held out on buying a UK 10 waiting for the market to fully reflect the difference.
many thanks for the info.... I was offered a UK (PSA 9) , actually mis-labelled as Italian, but i'm not too sure what sort of price difference there would be at that grade?
From what I can see I think the top price for a true Italian PSA9 was around the $1300 mark, however the last sale was only $710. Do you have any previous values on a UK PSA9 at all?
Welcome and awesome collection. Please keep sharing. Absolutely awesome.
You might check VCP. I don't have it and just go by memory or recent EBAY completed sales.
The last Italian 9 I recall went for a touch over $900.
Here is the UK back that went for $710 recently.
You might consider emailing the seller on this one to see what the back says. I don't recall seeing many if any Italian versions with the blue dot.
Most of mine came from a seller in Cyprus and I self submitted them. I think it is this guy. He is shady though at this point so do not buy a box of the packs. If you do a search by Mike Tyson there are quite a few threads from the past with some good information in them.
Thanks. Really appreciate all the info on these cards.
You guys are killing me with this modern malarkey.
He has other cool stickers and cards too.
nice stuff!!
Couple of vintage items....
Early 1920's Harry Greb signed photo.

1952 signed boxer/manager contract between Rocky Marciano & manager Al Weill . Contract was in effect when Rocky won the world title in Sept 1952 v Walcott. Contract was signed in Rocky's full legal name...Rocco Marchegiano.

wow some cool history..
see those old time "gloves" can you even imagine getting hit by a rocky or tyson with those to the face...sheese
That would be scary. Tyson beat up another boxer Mitch Green in the 80's and the guy's eye swelled up to epic proportions!
Tyson also beat up a couple of guys in the 90's in MD over a road rage incident with his then Lawyer girlfriend. They said he jumped out of the car kicked one guy between the legs and right crossed the other guy and it was over in seconds.
I am also pretty sure he beat up one of his tigers once when he had to re establish dominance over it. I think he punched it in the nuts.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
Sullivan / Kilrain fight poster from before the fight took place.
Always looking to buy or trade for Andre the Giant autographs
1st generation photo from the Sullivan / Kilrain fight
Always looking to buy or trade for Andre the Giant autographs
Always looking to buy or trade for Andre the Giant autographs
just amazing...thanks for sharing...and keep posting...very much appreciated......and nice framing on the poster
Always looking to buy or trade for Andre the Giant autographs
Always looking to buy or trade for Andre the Giant autographs
One of my favorite fighters...Sugar Ray Leonard. Here's my program collection...31 of his 40 pro career fights. Still searching for 9 more!
You a Mayweather fan?
I appreciate his talent. Actually liked him more as a younger fighter, he was a little more entertaining back then.
That card is nice. I had one of those a few years back when you could pick them up, even as a 10, for $300-$400 range.
I saw the prices went crazy on those not that long ago ($3k+?) but seem to have settled back down into the $900 range again...
wow ...amazing again!! thanks for posting...very much appreciated...keep posting
my buddy is essentially a boxing historian but ive never seen items like these...thanks
This has been in my family since my grandfather covered this fight for the Chicago Daily News
Any idea who the rest of those autos are? Floyd Patterson is pretty obvious, but I don't recognize the rest.
Cus D'Amato
Legendary boxing trainer Cus D'Amato and his 3 world champions, Mike Tyson, Jose Torres & Floyd Patterson...amazing item!
Here's a photo I used to have in my collection of the 4 guys...
Kind of disrespectful that PSA dismisses the non-Tyson guys as "others".
Knapp that Sullivan / Kilrain fight poster is really cool.
TT22 that program is also awesome.
IM that Leonard collection is really cool. I grew up in the DC area and we had family friends that lived less then a mile from him and we would see him on occasion at nearby shops and stores.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
I recently was given a box full of boxing cards, and was wondering if there was anything of value in the lot. Any help is appreciated.
Two Albums of "All World Boxing" 149 cards per set, (Not pictured)

1991Victory Gallery "Boxing Champions" Middleweights 20 card set (Not pictured)
1991 Kayo Prototypes 5 card set (see pictures)
1990 Platers International Holyfield "Sample" card
1991 All World Boxing Ali Foil card #69
and a Joe Louise card with a blank back.
If you are interested in vintage boxing memorabilia - check out the on-line auction I have live right now until March 13th, 2020. all vintage 1920 era boxing memorabilia. International shipping available. Thanks Mark.