Who likes the new digital album format?

Well, I don't. The previous format was just fine. It looked like a real coin album. Now one has to scroll down. It doesn't flow well, looks more like a wallpaper. Why is there this constant need of changing formats(?) By the time one is used to a certain format it changes again.
PCGS, please add a classic view.
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Odd, we haven't made any changes to digital albums recently - they still look like coin albums: https://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistry/half-cents/lincoln-cents-specialty-sets/lincoln-cents-toned-basic-set-circulation-strikes-1909-1958/album/133727
Interesting. I think I know what happened. I was in mainland China for three days where I noticed changes...the wallpaper look. Usually I experience slow search speeds or none at all. Now I'm in Germany and the normal album format is back. Crisis averted, carry on, lol.
I wish I had taken a screen shot.