MLB Authenticated Game Used Bats...additional details on use
I own a carlos correa game used bat from his rookie year. The bat is authenticated by mlb, which is awesome, but as is standard for mlb, the use is specific to a given at bat (usually when it is cracked). The correa bat was cracked during the fourth inning on august 20, 2015. I was able to photo match the bat to its use in the prior game where correa hit his 15th homerun, as well as his first walk off hit.
I spoke with psa dna to see if this could be reflected in the game used letter which would surely increase value but this level of service is not available. Do you feel that the market has an interest in this detail?
I do. More detail the better.
IG: goatcollectibles23
The biggest lesson I've learned in this hobby, and in life, is that if you have a strong conviction, you owe it to yourself to see it through. Don't sell yourself, or your investments, short. Unless the facts change. Then sell it all.
why wouldn't they?.....heck yeah,,,,there are ex after ex where HR bats get a premium to non-HR like to hear an argument where the market isn't interested in a bat being used for a HR of an all-star player...vs a bat in general....discuss....
Check out my Facebook page that the major one i see referenced in memorabilia auctions?
No idea. I just remember an article about them.
Check out my Facebook page
You're right.....some people would pay and that is in fact, the justification for getting it done if you plan to sell it. Sorry but the market is not comprised exclusively of veteran game used collectors.