If I resubmit this '86 Fleer Jordan PSA 8 (OC), what do you think it might come back as?
Posts: 37 ✭
Hey guys, I'm considering resubmitting this card. It is super bright and fresh, and to me the OC is not that bad. I was thinking of resubmitting and requesting no qualifiers.
Hard to tell from the pic how the corners look but the OC hits you for two points easily so I would say a 6 to a 7 at best.
If it's a new case be careful cracking it out.
So esentially if this is as nice as 8(OC) could be it might get a 7, and if it's on the lower end it might get a 6. In other words, assuming the OC is the main issue it has a chance to get a 7.
Yes an 8 OC in some cases can come back a PSA 7. Not frequently but it can.
You need to consider the risk of damage when cracking, cost of grading a card in this price range, and probability of grading higher than a 6.
Three out of four corners are touched and you have some chipping up top. The severity of the corners is hard to tell from the phone pic.
If there is only a few hundred dollar difference between an 8 OC and a PSA 7 I wouldn't even consider messing with it.
What's the price differenintial?
I don't have the card in person but it seems pretty sharp. I do see the slight chipping on the top edge but thought the lighting might be making it look worse.
As far as difference $ between 8 OC and 7... Actually.. it looks like they're pretty dang close from what I can see from recent sales on Ebay. I guess for me it's about the stigma against the qualifiers.. but as they say, it's "buy the card, not the slab", so maybe I'll just keep it as is.
Thanks for your replies!
The 1986 Fleer Jordan in 8 (OC) has an average sales price comparably equal enough to a 6.5 as well as 7. You lose money if it goes to a 6 even though its registry score is the same as an 8Q. I don't see your example getting bumped to a 7.5. So IMO, you only have something to lose by cracking this one and nothing to gain. If you want, resub for review but do not crack open.
I'm assuming you got the OC because of top-bottom centering.
Left-right is definitely within 70-30 range that psa requires for a PSA 8.
I'd go the crack and re-sub route. A 7 is better than a qualifier stricken 8 or 9. Even a 6. In fact a dang PSA 1 is better than a qualifier stricken card.
@OddRodz I am not a fan of qualifiers either. It's like saying she would be hot if. I don't want an if I want hot.
hahahaha.. yep
I think I'd just sell this one and buy a different one instead to keep for the collection.
Sorry but O/C is the kiss of death, if anyone ever watched Benny Hill recalls when he sees a nice looking lady at 500 feet. Not the same as up close. Sell and save up to buy a centered 8.
Define better... can't be value based here so are you talking appeal only?
Personal choice. I truly believe cards with qualifiers can give people cooties.
I agree that the qualifier is like something you can't get out of your teeth... haha.. but I also would like to believe that people could look past it and judge a card on its merits.. look how white that back is! It looks super crisp.
We call this "good from far, far from good". haha
That's some spooky action at a distance, as Einstein would say.