Need Help identifying this old british coin

Hey guys, I've had this one for quite a while.. thought I identified , however no I'm not so sure.. anything helps Thanks--Daj
Hey guys, I've had this one for quite a while.. thought I identified , however no I'm not so sure.. anything helps Thanks--Daj
Your coin is either a Penny, Half Penny or a Farthing of George IV of Great Britain. It was struck between 1825 -1830.
If is is half dollar-sized, it is a penny.
If it is a bit bigger than a quarter dollar, it is a half penny.
If it is nickel-sized, it is a farthing.
This is an 1826 dated Penny which has laid on a shelf on my desk for many years:
Wow! Thanks very much, it's nickel size so a farthing.. greatly appreciate the help-Daj Beautiful coin btw!
No, the one I posted would be considered damaged.
I do have an nice uncirculated brown (no red) example in an ICG slab (Independent Coin Graders). It is also dated 1826.
Just being polite haha but okay
Hey BillDugan
If you collect Great Britain coins, give me a shout. I have about 15 to 20 primarily late 1800,s copper. I don't collect anything but U.S. so if you are interested, I would consider trades. I like anything Capped Bust or Seated Liberty.
Bob SR CEO Fieldtechs
BST forum or PM.