1962 Mantle psa-8.5...

Sold for $14k in PWCC Auction! I stopped bidding at ~$13.75k. I had planned to consign my Reggie RC psa-9 in lieu of payment...but in the end decided I would rather own my Reggie. Good decision?
Sold for $14k in PWCC Auction! I stopped bidding at ~$13.75k. I had planned to consign my Reggie RC psa-9 in lieu of payment...but in the end decided I would rather own my Reggie. Good decision?
That 8.5 was a monster of a card and a grade you rarely see come up for sale.
Sorry, I have to say very bad decision. I love the 1962's and they are impossible to find above an 8. Beautifully centered and the edges might be better in hand than the scan. Dark bordered cards (especially 1962's, 1971's and 75's) often look worse because of the light from scanner "magnifying" white on the dark background.
I also was never a Reggie fan, but if he's your guy, you have to do what makes you happy!
Just looked at Reggie rookies and was surprised at how much they go for in a 9!
In taking that into consideration, I would say that it comes down to who you liked better. $19,000.00 for a Jackson rookie. Just WOW.
Pop report shows fifteen 9's and one 10 for the Mantle and thirty-seven 9's and one 10 for Jackson.
I think you have to stick with the RC. JMHO.
I'd be lucky to ever own either one in those grades, but if I could only choose one over the other to add to my personal collection, I'd go with the Reggie rookie.
beautiful card thats worth the premium for a centered non chipped deep brown border
Those edges are very strong - hard to find much a much better example.
Does anyone know what that black mark on the back ?
Next to "d" in drive
Does it appear short in the holder? Someone pointed that out to me...
The small blotch next to the "d" in drive on the back, I would say was there since printed, just a goober/stain embedded in the cardboard stock as made.
I would rather have the Mantle. Certainly your decision was rational.
Great problem to have...I missed it or may have pulled the trigger.
Nice card. Would choose the Mantle. Card looks absolutely fine in terms of size.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
is there a small "tilt" to the rear of the card??? was that on the front??? For that money on a 8.5 id have to have no "tilt" to the card....