Duplicate Relics, Autos and Auto/Relics

Hi everyone. I've been going through my (almost a shoebox full) of my mainly Yankee autos, relics and autographs and I've found several duplicates already. So my dilemma is: 1. do I grade one and not the other? 2. do I grade them both? or 3. do I not worry about it?
Here's what I've been thinking so far. If I grade one and not the other, and get a lower grade, then I need to send the other in to see if it's better. In this case, I have a lower grade, and I feel it's going to be harder to sell so I can get some extra cash to get graded. If I go which choice 2, the same thoughts apply as the first case. As for number 3, not worrying about it, I think maybe that opens a new can of worms. I already (hopefully) have a nice high grade example I can but in either my set registry, or my showcases.
Thoughts, suggestions, any ideas will be helpful, especially in you put a fairly shore explanation with it. I certainly don't want a 10 page monograph, (which I can do sometimes).
Thanks all for any help.