Babe Ruth Auto Ball JSA. Ball from 1914?

Thoughts on the Babe Ruth Auto Ball JSA. Seller says Ball from 1914?
What's the estimated value? Thinking about purchasing
Thoughts on the Babe Ruth Auto Ball JSA. Seller says Ball from 1914?
What's the estimated value? Thinking about purchasing
My thoughts are if you are going to invest in a Babe Ruth signed ball you get a PSA/DNA one. Also, one that has a better signature. I would never say that excep you asked our opinion.
If you have not seen this video I would suggest you view it before buying a Babe Ruth ball. This was posted over on Net54 and is amazing regarding all the counterfeit balls for Ruth and others.
I'm not saying he never did it, but I'm always suspicious of a sweet spot, single-signed Ruth. It was not typical of him and didn't become fashionable until long after he could have signed...

+1 good advice
That ball looks like Hercules from the Sandlot played with it. I would wait for a better example personally. You want to get a Ruth ball which I agree with 100%, and I would make sure it was one with a clean auto.
Thanks for comments. It belongs to an older lady who claims her Dad caught the ball at a game and had it signed in person. Who knows what the real story is. If I decide to buy, what’s a Fair price?
The waiting is the hardest part...
How did an old lady know to send a ball to jsa?
I don’t know. I assume someone gave her good advice
About what is this old lady asking for it? If I may ask. It may be worth it depending on the price. She did know enough to send it in after all. Goodluck and Id take the advice from these guys here.