Need your opinion on these vintage potentially higher grade? Orr Kaline Bunning etc
Posts: 1,138 ✭✭✭
Wondering if I should send any of these in, a 7 or higher could increase the value enough to make it worth it for resale. The Tresh white mark on border is not a ding but print mark. The Aaron/Banks probably only a 7 at best but still worth subbing if it hit that. Any opinions on what should be sent to psa? Note: There are no back issues. Thanks! Pat
Boy, those are all close Pat. I'd say Kaline is the best bet - that PD isn't too bad.
The snow on the black background on the Kaline and the red vertical lines: One-between the left border and uniform as well as the One-red vertical line from the right elbow to the yellow circle are negatives. And the touched lower corners and 5 PD are factors to consider as well. Nice Orr and Bunning.
I would send in the Orr and Kaline. Others I think will struggle to get a 7. Kaline might get a 7 but sometimes they are hard on the snow.