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Liquor revenue stamps

I understand that stamp collecting is dead except for the older material. Does anyone know if there is any value or being a collectable Revenue stamps, etc?

Here is two examples that were given to me back in the 70's. First sheet is a full sheet of 8...couldn't fit it in my scanner. Second example is a full sheet of 40. I also have many different other examples.

Thanks for any information on them.


  • JBKJBK Posts: 15,946 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Don't know if there's a market but I like them....

  • got any OPIUM revenues????

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  • HarlequinHarlequin Posts: 130 ✭✭✭

    Not sure about value but I like them a lot! Are you interested in selling them? Very nice pics too B)

    🇺🇸 Harlequin

  • dtreterdtreter Posts: 108 ✭✭✭

    yes...those and many others are for sale. I can send scans and descriptions if anyone is interested in giving an offer.

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