Serious stamp collectors or even novices like myself.

I have a large collection of U.S. and International stamps in vintage Scott albums. If you truly do know one stamp from another and are looking for a rare stamp or stamps for your collection I may or may not have one you've been wanting. FYI- None of the stamps are certified and won't be while I own them. I have my own opinion about that. Not meaning to offend any one here but the definition of an expert is ( X is an unknown quantity and spirt is a little squirt under pressure) Expert-Unknown little squirt under pressure. Just having a little fun there. But I do have hundreds of stamps and have researched auction houses and websites and have seen what some of these stamps have sold for. Not saying that's what I'll ask for any of mine just saying I do have some knowledge about some of the stamps I have . If you are interested and looking for a certain stamp or stamps email me at and just maybe I have what you've been looking for. Thanks
Hi there.... As an avid stamp collector since i was 8 years old and am now 60, there are a lot of
facets to know inside the hobby.... Collectors , Speculators and investors are a 2 different kettle of fish.
1. The collector wants one of each just to have in an album and does not mind it being mint,
used or even off center.
2 The speculator buys issues they think will go up in value like shares.
3. The investor only seeks into issues that have proven themselves over time.
****There are 2 types of replies one can give to people like yourself.
1 It is the truth!
2. Otherwise if you dont want the truth, it can easily be what you want to hear.****
I have decided to say the truth in my opinion & after being into stamps for over half a century
and being a dealer ( part and full time ) for over 30 years , i think i have seen a lot.
Me personally, i prefer stamps that are postmarked bottom left hand corner and only with a
circiular cancel. Part of the date and town in the state has to be visible to show authenticity...
That is where=one does not need them certified and can save expenses.
Nowadays mint USA stamps from 1930's to now are used on mail....This is simply for 2 reasons...
1. Kids these days in general are not interested and they are the future of the hobby of philatelics.
2. It saves paying at the post office if you have the mint stamps already to be used and if you have
no where to sell them
3. Dealers on the average only pay 50% face value at the most for mint usa stamps and then
sell them off under face to other clients....I am guilty of doing that in
4 An item is only worth what a person is willing to pay for it....
5. You may look up previous sales but unless it is under 1 month, please disregard it as the
demand may not be there now.
Catalogues and reference books or sheets are ficticious in my eyes as to print them takes a while
and therefore the prices in there are simply a speculation and were in the past...Here is a great
example. Take the scott USA catalogue of postage stamps 2017 edition.
That would have had to gone into print and production in the middle of 2016 to have them all made
and sent out to wholesalers of stationety top sell off to shops etc... How can a printing comany that
knows nothing about the product know what items are going to sell for and be valued at in the next year....
If they knew that, then they would know what the results of all hose races ran that week, results of
all lotteries run the same week and all the results in every casino in the world every turn if the roulette wheel etc.
I dont like to paint a bad picture here but i am saying the truth....Nowadays we have only computers,
games and cell phones to blame for the extinguishing of the hobby of philatelics. Like you, i am an
avid collector as stated above but my kids said to me" what do we want with that crap dad??"
Can you imagine sitting at a craps or poker table and knowing ahead of time what numbers the dice
My suggestion is you use up the mint stamps on letters and packages and if you happen to see a
stamp show coming to your area, pack the rest up including covers, used stamps, books, reference
books etc etc etc and try to sell them. Dont have a pre conceived price in your mind as you will be
looking for a big upset. Just remember once the dealer buys it from you, he then has tio turn it over
and make a profit to keep his/ her business afloat. I have learnt that if the sellers of collections are too
greedy, then all lose out... I cannot speak for the USA but i can speak for most in australia...if a collection
is brought in and the customer refuses the offer, and in a couple of days time that come back, i will
not want it at all for any price....Dealers know it has been shown around and possibly the key items ( if any )
would have been taken out so why would anyone want the rest of the cheap stuff. I got burnt this way
years ago and know it from 1st hand experience.
I learnt a lot of history and geography through stamps but nowadays kids search google
and dont know what hard work in school really is.... before long it will be identical to the
jetsons and cars will fly.
I welcome your thoughts or anyone elses but please remember this is 52 years collecting stamps
and other things or to placeitnicely, over half a century.....
Lastly forget the words RARE AND SCARCE!!!
I found out nothing is rare if one has the money to pay for it..... On the other hand one has
the word unique and i think that is what you are mixing it up with....Unique is like King Tuts
Tomb, Queen Elizabeths Crown, Princess Diana Tiara and so on...Only 1 of an item..
Regards Hal ...OIO