Anybody Know approximate date and value of this 8 reales coin

Looking for info on this coin: an 8 reales cobb from somewhere . Approx date range , where from and value would be appreciated? thks
Looking for info on this coin: an 8 reales cobb from somewhere . Approx date range , where from and value would be appreciated? thks
The lower picture is rotated, the "8" should be on top.
The date might be "71" or 1671, and the mint mark (lower right) might be a "P" or Potosi.
Is the coin a shipwreck coin?
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
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Guy found it diving off florida coast back in the 70's
thks for the info
Cool find!
My YouTube Channel
The 8 should be at the top. the bottom numbers are the date. All 1600 pillar and wave design have a two digit dates in this area centered on the waves below. In 1700 the dates became three digits and the last two numbers were to the right of the center wave. These are to the right with the shade of a number to the left. This makes it 1771. I agree it is Potosi Bolivia mint.
Nice coin to find for free. This is a heavily circulated coin and doesn't show the usual water damage. That and the X test marks show this wasn't in the water long.