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Help Wanted-Numismatic-History Writer Wanted-Peace Work

Part time, peace work. I wish to hire someone who is interested in expanding their own knowledge base by providing us in-depth descriptions consisting of historical, economic, artistic descriptions and in formatives of my coins, which will have photos and become an actual coffee table piece. You get paid per unit that you do .
I probably will have 100+ of these individual coins in the coming months. Mike Sussman previously did these for us and he is an outstanding writer, researcher and all in one numismatic good guy but he's now retired. I need to find someone who can fill those shoes. There is not a lot of money for you to make on this unless you can really research and write fast but it is a very rewarding numismatic position that will bring you to new levels as you will be researching some of the rarest and coolest coins on the planet in addition to the regular material. And besides the numismatic knowledge rewards there's a few bucks in it as well as we all have to eat. And your name has a chance to be spread far and wide as there's even more to this opportunity not mentioned here.
If you would like to try your hand at one to show what you can do, send me an original written by you 1-3 page description of all of a coins attributes from a all encompassing perspective, send me an email at thecoinguy1955@yahoo.com and I'll also send you a partial sample of what you would be competing with.
This is a part time service that will go on till I'm off to hopefully that place where good dealers go o:)
Tom Pilitowski
P.S. I check this email periodically so if you don't hear back from me the same day hang in there, I will contact you with a yes, no, or let's see more response.


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