Wanted: South Dakota, Homestake and North Dakota bars and coins

Looking to buy any South Dakota, North Dakota or Homestake bars or coins, either silver or gold. Really looking to buy any of the State of South Dakota coins from 87, 88, or 89 especially the 5 and 10 oz rounds. Please comment or message me if you have anything you'd consider selling. Thanks!
Anything available? Will pay top dollar.
Still looking to buy!
Anything available? Looking for any ND, SD or Homestake related coins or bars.
Me 2...
Sent you a PM on it.
Still looking for North & South Dakota related pieces and homestake mine bars and rounds.
why do you want them
ok better yet your price willing to pay on items
i'm from south dakota
Still Buying!
Still looking to buy. Paying top dollar and competitive prices.
Had a great transaction with @jandrud, just last week in our shop here in Fargo, ND.
I think the pictured gold Homestake bar is is one of the better ones. I saw a receipt at our local shop that came with a buy that showed a mintage of 50 of those. I've seen three to date. One a vest pocket dealer had at a Denver show in prob 2006 and two others I've seen locally. This makes 4.
There is a more common one ounce bar that comes in a presentation folder that's different and has counterparts in half, quarter and tenth oz pieces.
I def think the posted bar is the more expertly crafted and desirable. They're know to have red spots
Maybe more are known?
Thanks for info Wild, no one in my circles of dealers/collectors has ever seen one...
Still looking and buying anything ND, SD or homestake. Just picked up a few SD Bison gold rounds. Let me know what you have available.
Anything available?
Will pay top price. Made a few transactions so far. Still buying.