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im new here and looking for your eric lindros cards..have lots to offer in trade!!

hi everyone. i have a ton of stuff to trade for eric lindros cards. over 60 to 70 game/used and auto's.a bunch of numbered rookies and a ton of inserts and parallels.if interested plmk what you might have as far a slindros goes. thanx for the look and god bless


  • turn on your profile
  • and your private message also
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Got any Chris Webbers?
  • I have these lindros cards:
    Eric Lindros
    1990-91 Score
    1991-92 Score Hot Card
    1990-91 Score Baseball
    Pinacle 30 card lindros set
  • 1990-91 Score Canadian Eric Lindros RC # 440 ( 2 ) total BV 6.00
    1993/4 Pinnacle Eric Lindros Team 2001 French BV 7.00
    1996/7 Donruss Canadian Ice Eric Lindros BV 1.00

    Here's mine.
    i ain't often right
    but I've never been wrong
    it seldom turns out the way
    it does in the song
    once in a while
    you get shown the light
    in the strangest of places
    if you look at it right
  • Here a list of some stuff. I have a bunch of his base set cards & minor inserts too, but I'll just list these unless you're looking for the cheap stuff too.

    1999-00 Crown Royale Team Captains Die-Cuts $6
    1997-98 Pinnacle Certified Red $10
    1993-94 Upperdeck NHL's Best $12.50
    1996-97 Metal Cold Steel $8
    1991-92 Score Young Superstar ?
    1999-00 Revolution Red #148/299 $25
    2000-01 Upperdeck MVP Top Playmakers $3
    1999-00 Pacific Dynagon Ice All-Star Preview $5
    1993-94 Upperdeck Silver Skates $7.50
    1993-94 Parkhurst Emerald Ice $3

    let me know if you need any of them!
    Now Collecting- Ed Belfour, any RedWings, Brian Griese, Bobby Higginson, Will Clark, U of M players
    Let me Know what you have!
    Bad Trader: Heavyd5424
  • 91-92 Score #330
    92-93 Parkhurst #128
    92-93 Pinnacle "Road to the NHL" #5 of 30
    92-93 Pinnacle "Team 2000" #1
    92-93 Score #550
    93-94 Leaf "Hat Trick Artists" #7 of 10 $5
    94-95 SP Die-Cut #84
    94-95 Stadium Club #203
    94-95 Topps Premier 241
    94-95 Topps Premier "Finest" #4 of 12 $8
    95-96 Donruss #1
    95-96 Donruss Elite #88
    95-96 Score #150
    95-96 Topps #1
    95-96 Upper Deck #374
    96-97 Donruss #7
    96-97 Donruss Elite #7
    96-97 Fleer NHL Picks #4
    96-97 Fleer NHL Picks "Fabulous Fifty" #28 of 50
    96-97 Score #7
    96-97 Zenith "Assailants" #8 of 15 $6
    97-98 Black Diamond #145
    97-98 Donruss Elite #119
    98-99 UD Choice "Starquest" #28

    LMK what you have and thanks
    My Cards

    CU References: 65 and counting

  • no, im sorry.i only collect and trade hockey.
  • hi, i could use your pacific dynagon ice preview, and your rookie card.plmk if you want to trade. i can send you a list of my trade cards,but ive only done that by email??any other ways??plmk
    thanx and god bless
  • hi nba steve.thanx foir the list but i have all these you have listed.
    thank you
  • I collect Eddie Belfour or Redwings. Just send me a Private Message (PM) of what you have in those. Also, if you want me to I can PM you a list of the cheap stuff too.
    Now Collecting- Ed Belfour, any RedWings, Brian Griese, Bobby Higginson, Will Clark, U of M players
    Let me Know what you have!
    Bad Trader: Heavyd5424
  • Hey,
    I have a 1999 Topps Gold Label Red Class 1 numbered 040/100
    LMK, Thanks
    ANY JOEY HARRINGTON, PAVEL DATSYUK, HENRICK ZETTERBURG, TAYSHAUN PRINCE, any rookies, gu, or auto's of any current Red Wings, Pistons, and Lions players. None of the Tigers so dont ask!

    Wantlist/Tradelist refs: BiggJC, SoDoMoJo, Dirtmonkey, AiRjOrDaN22 (2), samsgirl214, LiveAndLearn, Viking (cw)
  • sorry, no Lindros cards here but do you have any of Jaromir Jagr??, i can get some Lindros to trade for Jagr's!!, PM sent also


    MY SITE-
    R*C's site


    ALL REF's ARE ON MY SITE (41 CU Ref's)

    Trader Retreat MEMBER!!

    R*C, does it again!
  • hi if thats a 98/99 class 1 red numbered to100. i have it. im not sure if there was a red for 99/00??
    thanx for the post tho
  • yanyak5yanyak5 Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    excuse me for interupting....but has anyone seen it?
    Looking for an 8x10 auto photo of junior celebrating his 100 HR. lmk!
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