Older Scotts, Bridger & Kay, Stanley Gibbons catalogs

I have a small collection of older Scott's, Bridger and Kay and Stanley Gibbons stamp catalogs which I no longer need. These include:
1896, 1901, 1906, 1907, 1912 and 1919 Scott's. The 1919 is in tough shape, with one cover board entirely torn off. The 1896 covers are somewhat separated, especially the front (which has the signature of the original owner from February 17, 1896), The front cover on the 1901 is somewhat separated as well. The 1906 and 1912 are in good shape, as is the 1907, although it has an owner's name in pencil and pen on the inside front cover.
1933, 1936 (2 volumes, including the US Stamp catalog, which Scott began issuing only the previous year), 1938, 1945 (2 volumes). 1949 (2 volumes) and 1950 (2 volumes) Scott's. All are in very good to excellent shape, especially the 2 1936 volumes which appear to be just about pristine. The material used for the covers of the 1945, 1949 and 1950 catalogs was some sort of soft paper, a lot less tough than the 1930's volumes, and the result is some slight tearing and other minor damage to the covers.
1983 Commonwealth King George VI Catalogue Bridger and Kay. Soft-bound, with a cardboard (intentionally detached) cover protecting the covers of the book.
The 3 volumes Stanley Gibbons British stamp catalogues: Vol. 1 covering Queen Victoria (3rd ed. July 1970); Vol. 2 covering the four kings (Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI) (2nd. ed, July 1970); and Vol. 3 covering Queen Elizabeth II through mid-1970 (1st ed. August 1970). All are in great shape, with bright red dust jackets in good condition, although some of the cellophane covering on the QE II is beginning to separate.
I intend to list them on Ebay shortly, but thought I might give forum members first crack at them. They can be shipped media mail within the USA. I have photos and can give you pricing, if anybody is interested. They won't be expensive!
I noticed that there were a few views of this post, but no one has expressed any interest in purchasing these volumes. I therefore put them on Ebay yesterday (Saturday) AM. If you are interested in a purchase, please take a look there. My handle is gscoins. Thanks.