Make sense to Reholder PSA Card?

Unless there is scratches or something else wrong with an old PSA holder, is there any advantage to getting it reholdered into a newer model holder?
Unless there is scratches or something else wrong with an old PSA holder, is there any advantage to getting it reholdered into a newer model holder?
Some people prefer to have certain collections in consistent slabs, also you always have a a chance for the grade to be bumped up. Otherwise no real price difference between what model slab the card is encased.
So are you saying that if you just send in the card to be reholdered, they may regrade it?
I thought that was the purpose of a review.
I misinterpreted your question. You are correct, for a bump the card would need to be submitted for review. The only reason to send in for re-encapsulation is if the holder has been marked up or just personal preference.
I have always thought that it was wasting some money just to get a new holder.
Some collectors do not like cards in old psa cases. There are many collectors that believe psa grading standards were much more lenient years ago and have become more strict nowadays. Therefore they want a psa flip with the hologram