Spanish Mexico crowned shield cob.. Need opinions before purchasing tomorrow

As the title says I'm going to purchase a supposed Spanish Mexico crowned shield cob tomorrow and want to know people's opinions who know more than I do about this coin. Not sure if it's gold or silver yet will find out the actual color tone tomorrow.
What I do know about the coin (if it's genuine) from the pictures I'm posting that I've got from the seller is it has Mexico mintmark, d assayer (what I believe could be a D over F assayer initials if possible).
Like I said I'm not that educated in Spanish Colonial Coins so any information you have or knowledge you'll like to share will be helpful.
Careful with these! There are lots of replicas out there. Also, ship wreck coins that often details/net grade are not as valuable as a problem free example that will straight grade.
The coin in the picture is a modern forgery/fantasy of some kind.
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
This was an odd first post. Welcome to the forum if you decide to share more about yourself. If not, I assume that this thread was to test the waters on the legitimacy of a piece that you may or may not already own.
Definitely looks off.
My YouTube Channel
Fantasy, as @CIVITAS already mentioned.
8 Reales Madness Collection