Selling: Complete High Grade Set of 1964 Special Mint Set Coins-Seldom Seen Complete As This Set Is!

The PCGS coins in this set grade as follows:
A. Lincoln Cent - SP66RD
B. Jefferson Nickel - SP68FS !!
C, Roosevelt Dime - SP66
D. Washington Quarter - SP67
E. Kennedy Half Dollar - SP67 !!
Pictures of these (5) coins will be up on eBay tonight under my son, Justin's, eBay handle of "monstercoinmart". There he will be offering the set as a complete collection, but I will consider "breaking up" the set if the right deal comes to me here. For serious inquires only, please send me a PM here or call me on my cell at (949) 394-7122.
The Kennedy Half last sold in this same grade for $47,000 in the 09/2016 Heritage sale. I have priced this Kennedy substantially under the last auction record to hopefully get a deal done quickly on this set (or even on that individual coin).
How many of these '64 sets are known to exist?
Just curious and nice set!
Later, Paul.
Paul: Hi. I believe about -11- sets are known to exist as a result of the Half Dollar having a production level about half the other coins in the set.
Wondercoin, did you know that PCGS doesn't have a 1964 S.M.S. set listed in the registry? They have the other 3 yrs. Maybe if Cosetta were to list one there would be even more interest. Just a thought.
Later, Paul.
I just want the cent
Doug: I now have interested parties in the cent, nickel and quarter. If only I could find the underbidder that bid roughly $45,000 (and lost to the $47,000 winning bid) in the last auction of the SMS Half Dollar, I would be able to break up the set if I could sell the half dollar to that bidder (for less than he bid last time). The hunt continues...
Did you end up breaking the set up?