'09 Allen & Ginter Box Rip
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On the box bottom top right, the odds: "Approximate odds per box of finding (*Sequentially Numbered) : *N43 Autograph 1;270..." etc.. is that 1 in 270 boxes, or 1 in 270 packs ?
Topps went all out with the presentation here:
Please tell me there is more than 1 hit in these boxes. The Doumit card was depressing. 8 of 24 packs:
Let's hope you enjoy the remaining box a bit more.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Don't some years, (or is it all years?) have a card hidden in between the box sides? Thought I remembered hearing that at some point.
Really ? will be sure to take this box apart thanks
Packs 9 - 16. Some relief with a framed Ichiro. Just a jersey though, not a silk or anything better. Someone's little Chihuahua (pronounced chee-huuuahhh-huuuahhh) got to the corners of a couple of the minis.
There are 3 hits per hobby box. You have saved the best for last - third hit should be an auto, plate, or rip card. May I suggest you get a plate or rip card?
I wish I had taken your suggestion properly. Strike 3 ! ugh. Ichiro is cool though. Him and Pete are the Hit Gods.
Well this box was a FAIL monetarily. But the enjoyment and fun factor of opening it outweighed the.. the ....... well screw that ! I wanted a HIT !!!
Peeled the box apart and no hidden gem anywhere.
Forgot to mention I did get the Winning Beard Man card.
A bit of trivia here: What card pictured on the front of the box doesn't exist?
Would bet the Napoleon pube card.
The mantle? If that does exist then it's a very cool card, and if it doesn't, then how come lol?
What is considered the "best" year of A & G to rip?
'06 I would vote for. For absolute no other reason than it is the most expensive Danicnt Patrick may be the draw there. Since she hasn't actually done anything in a decade worthy of note, other than HO I'M So Pretty' commercials a few years ago, that may have changed.
2006 also has Tyson and Hogan.
Ty for the info. I have always liked the bold colors of the auto cards from this series. The mix of sports and cultural celebs is also a draw.