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Wayne gretzky ksa 9.5

Watchmen1969Watchmen1969 Posts: 1
edited May 19, 2017 2:27PM in Q & A Forum

Hey yall.....my friend just purchased a 9.5 gretzky opc rookie from ebay. Dealer was asking 14000.....my buddy offered 7000 and was accepted in less than 5 minutes. Received the card two days later. Upon looking at this card my first impression was that it was a reprint. It is flawless......we had taken it out of its case.....its pretty much perfect......why then would you not send it to psa or bgs.....
Dealer just sold another 9.5....not sure what the cost was. Any thoughts on this anyone?
Really feel like this is a bogus deal.
Im not a professional grader , but have had a few gretzkys and other cards graded before and kinda know this stuff pretty well......
Just seems like lately there has been quite a few high grade gretzky rookies on ebay from ksa

Update......we've taken this card to 4 dealers here in Calgary, all 4 strongly believe that it's a reprint....if that is correct.....wtf is ksa doing grading reprints and calling them authentic?
Nothing but bad can come from this.
My first bit of advice would be never to buy anything graded by ksa.

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