Auction information...

I like how some people describe their raw card auctions:
1) Smoke Free Home
2) Tell you about the players career
3) Paragraphs about their shipping policies (do we need that much info about shipping a card)
4) Information about their organization (do you really care if I have sold 2,000 cards or 10,000 or where I got my start selling cards)
5) And more useless information and they never describe the raw card itself, except that you will get the card in the auction
How about listing flaws in the card? How about this card appears to be ex-mt? A corner is dinged, there is a bump in the card, the edges are chipped. None of this.
So as the auction guy, why tell people that you were found in springfield and you don't smoke but leave out that there is a small crease in the card? I would rather just see "this card is mint". "this card will not grade a 9 or 10". Transparency about the item at hand is what most buyers like to see. This is useful information.
Couple reasons.
1. Pointing out little flaws like that will bring down the price.
2. Everybody's definition of their own grading scale is different. Locking yourself into saying this card is "X" or will grade "X" is inviting an item not as described return.
Also, the other mumble jumble is probably just copied/pasted from previous listings of theirs or saved in a template and not typed out every time.
What he said. I like the smoke and pet free home statements for some items like auto clothing
Such as...?

Sure they don't smoke, but they might eat too much fiber.
Wait a minute.
This is Important folks.
The proper term is mumbo jumbo is it not ? 'Mumble Jumble' is Monty Python like RIGHT OUT !....... correct ? Or I am off base there in the new hip world.
FWIW, though relatively uncommon, I have purchased a couple lots over the years where when opening the envelope upon receipt, the cards and all packaging contents included a ridiculously overwhelming cigarette smoke smell. This type of situation may not happen often but in those cases I was a bit disappointed with the purchases.
I always get a kick out of "I am not a professional grader". I mean, seriously, how many professional sports card graders are there in the world?
How many of them slept at a Holiday Inn?
Yeah this too. Can't these guys tell the difference between Megan Fox (Gem Mint) and Roseanne Barr.
Not sure, but I'm pretty sure there's one grader each for PRO, GEM, GMA, FGA, RGA, and GRA.