I've got issue(s).

Well, one that's coin related, lol. I registered two $20 and cannot get the 'cost' to show up in my inventory. I've edited no different....added personal notes, date of purchase with no problems, but the 'cost' does not show up, stays 0 after editing.
Try adding the cost with no 0 in front of the price.
Later, Paul.
Tried that, no go.
If your $20 is in a set, go to that set (If not, start a set) and go to editing for that set.
Scroll down until you see your coin listed.
Click on the cert # and it brings up the coin in a different format.
Click edit and enter your price.
See if that works.
Good luck.
Later, Paul.
Make sure when putting cost in .. you backspace to eliminate the $ sign.. finding sometimes unless do that doesn't register
Thx for the input but nothing worked...
I tried many variations and finally got to get one to work though. I went to My Inventory and clicked on the space where My Cost for the particular coin was blank and a window popped up for me to insert my cost. It didn't work. Did it again w/o the coma and it worked.
(I clicked on the cert # to input my cost and that would not take. Very strange.)
Crisis averted. ;-)