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1985-D LIncoln - No/ghost L - ghost IN - weak D.....added value?

I have a 1985-D Lincoln 1C with no or ghost L (which would you say?) - a ghost IN - and on reverse a weak D. Wondering what the thoughts would be on added value, if any. Thanks for your time.!


  • campwillowlakecampwillowlake Posts: 6
    edited April 11, 2017 6:32AM

    ok - no comments - so I guess this isn't anything special - thanks

  • mannie graymannie gray Posts: 7,259 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Most likely due to foreign material in the die (grease, etc).
    This will tend to obliterate letters, design elements, and is very common on Lincoln Cents.
    Wouldn't add much value unless it was more obliterated.
    Might be worth 5-10c in a dealer's junk box.

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