Just how in the name of (insert your phrase here) will the debts of credit card,student loans,new car loans, ever realistically be repaid?
Just borrow to oblivion then file bankruptcy, you can even do it 5,6,7 times if they are ignorant enough to keep lending you $$$. Don't worry maybe someday you can even be our leader. Happy holidays!
The student debt problem was foreseen years ago when legislation was passed that said student loan debt could not be forgiven in a bankruptcy. I clearly remember thinking at the time "these guys know trouble lies ahead."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The student debt problem was foreseen years ago when legislation was passed that said student loan debt could not be forgiven in a bankruptcy. I clearly remember thinking at the time "these guys know trouble lies ahead."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Keep consuming regardless if you can pay for it now. Buy now, pay (?) later. Keeps the factories/businesses operating, people employed.