Paypal Hold
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Well, today I got hit with Paypal steal your money for a while policy. Card sold for less than $300 and they put a 21 day hold on it, but of course took their fee immediately. So I have to ship the card with the possibility of never getting the funds? Who is to say after 21 days they put another hold on it? It's not big deal but I am sure higher amounts have been put on hold which could make it a big deal. This just doesn't seem fair, right or even legal.
Are you newer to paypal or selling? This happened on my wife's account when I used ebay or paypal to sell for the first time or at least first time in a while. If you are getting payments left and right and that happened at random then this would be extremely weird.
Maybe that is it. It was my wife's account and she doesn't sell much so I guess that is it, but still doesn't make it right.
There is a guy on Blowout that Paypal is holding over $100.000 for 180 days.
That is just criminal.
I had a PP hold on one deal. I paid a guy via Friends and Family just under $3k in an in person card purchase and they held the money on his end. It was not fun waiting for that hold to be lifted as I left the deal with $3k deducted from my PP account and no card to show for it. It worked out as the hold was lifted after 24 hours and I got my card shortly thereafter but it was not a fun 24-48 hours leading up to that.