Looking to buy the following
Posts: 20 ✭
I'm looking for the following in case you have any for sale?
1934 $5 SF Mule
1934 $5 LGS Atl
1934B $5 Bos/Phil/Dal/KC
1934C $5 frn Atl/KC/Dal/SF
1934D $5 frn Dallas
1928 $5 frn KC/Rich/Bos
1928A $5 frn Rich/Minn
1928B $5 frn Dallas
If you have any please let me know. Thanks much.
What grades, anything, or are you looking for a specific grade range?
I have 4 or 5 on your list but also need to know what grade you're looking for.
I'd prefer F or better but will consider whatever is available. Thanks much.
I have some currency and coins which my father brought back from WW II - Asia & Europe. I have no idea of what they are nor value. Is there anyone who can give me some assistance in seeing if they are of value other than sentimental. I can send a list and or photos. Thanks Don in Alabama. (User Name) WWIIcurrencyandcoins
Got the 34B Philly.
I can probably help you Don. Send me a private message with the list and photos.