I've never used a grading service but I have about 30-40 Tom Brady rookies that I want to get graded. I prefer Beckett because I like the fact that you know exactly where the card stands and what the issues were. I always read that a BGS 9.5 was equal to a PSA 10 but it doesn't seem to be the case with his rookies. Just now an SPX went for 3k in a BGS 9.5 and 6k in a PSA 10. These were at the exact same time.
Is this the norm for most cards or do people just want to fill the PSA registry or...?
I just want to make sure I make the right choice. Thank you for any feedback.
Before looking it up, my first thought was maybe the BGS 9.5 was weaker, but it has three 9.5 and one 10 grade. The gap does seem to be larger than expected, but I am no expert in Brady rookies.
For comparison, a 2000 SP Future Watch Brady in BGS 9.5 with two 9.5 and two 10 sold for $10,700 on 2/20/17. A PSA 10 sold eight days later for $16,000.
IG: goatcollectibles23
The biggest lesson I've learned in this hobby, and in life, is that if you have a strong conviction, you owe it to yourself to see it through. Don't sell yourself, or your investments, short. Unless the facts change. Then sell it all.
PSA outsells BGS most of the time especially on key RCs. There are a lot of reasons, but the Registry has a lot to do wit it. The exceptions are on the rare occasion cards hit a BGS 10 or even more rare the BGS Black 10 for modern. I only use PSA, for multiple reasons, a lot having to do with my own OCD issues when it comes to my collection. If you are going for resale only use PSA, unless you think you can hit BGS 10s
It would be a cool experiment to send in a mix of 10 cards that to the eye should grade from an 8 - 10 to PSA. Once you have them back record the grades, crack and send in to BGS.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
Well I'm game. I have some that are already graded and would crack as part of an experiment. But since all I have is hockey I think we should get some other sports involved.
I like the BGS holders better and I have used them a long time ago, but I just don't like their policy regarding sheet cuts that make it so easy to ignore trimmed cards. I have a BGS 9.5 '91 Topps Desert Shield Clemens that I overpaid for years ago that I suspect is trimmed (L/R borders seem narrower than normal), but didn't notice until years later. Since then, I am very leery of buying any card in a BGS/BVG holder. Especially so when this famous scan hit the 'Net.
Just my opinions, but in terms of price, an "equal" PSA card will generally sell for more than the same card in BGS 9.5, but the gap is not as large on modern issues as it appears to be on older issues.
That said, BGS's holders are far superior and more tamper resistant, not to mention you can get your cards back faster in service.
I would personally send yours into PSA if you arent in a hurry to get them back and sell them
I always get my cards back fast when I use Beckett or SGC.
I remember seeing this but I forget where the trimming was. Can you refresh my memory?