Hobo Coins - a Kickstarter project

I am not associated in any way with this Kickstarter. It just came across my twitter as a retweet. They look kinda neat so I'm passing it along.
39mm die-struck, hefty 12 gauge coin with several metals and finishes. Choose which you want after the Kickstarter closes
edited to add FAQ's below
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you hand engraving actual coins?
Not exactly, these are minted coins that I designed but are die-struck new coins. I'm not modifying actual currency.
Last updated: Sat, March 18 2017 6:20 AM HAST
Will you offer solid silver versions?
If the stretch goals are all met I'll figure out the best way to offer solid silver coins. They're a little tricky because the cost is dependent on the spot silver price (currently over $17.40 per ounce as of the project launch). The solid silver coins would be one troy ounce of silver. Long/short - I really hope to, these coins would be amazing in solid silver.
Last updated: Sat, March 18 2017 2:02 PM HAST
What's the deal with the stretch goal funding amounts?
These coins are actually super expensive to produce. The dies are around $1200 each, and the production minimums are 250 of each coin. I've already paid for the dies so I could get production samples, but the production minimums make each metal version expensive because I have four designs—basically I have to get 1000 of each design for each metal version. That adds up fast.
Last updated: Sat, March 18 2017 7:19 AM HAST

They hardly exhibit the classic Hobo look.
John Hughey is about to sue someone lol. I'll pass. He's at $20k so somebody's buying though
Cue the picture of Fonzie on the waterskis
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