Can anyone use Vintage Israel Mnh Plate Blocks?????

*Israel 1949 2nd Coinage Right Tab 2 Block Sc#18, Bale#22 MNH,
Israel 1949 2nd Plate Block Sc#18, Bale#22 MNH,
*Israel 1949 2nd Coinage Left Tab 2 Block Sc#19, Bale#23 MNH,
Israel 1949 2nd Coinage Plate Block Sc#19, Bale#23 MNH,
52-54, 56, 58, 60, 65, 70, C14, 76-77, 82-85, 87-89, 91, 93.
*indicates block of 4 stamps with 2 tabs.
All others are plate blocks.
available still?
My direct number is 512-808-3197 Raul