What happens to variety sets when a CPG item is dropped in the new edition?
Every CPG edition seems to have a few varieties that are dropped. (either disputed or low interest) So how long will it be before they are dropped in the complete varieties set? or do they just stay in the set forever (even though new ones are not being made)?
So far they stay in the sets......and I hope it stays that way!
Does that mean their value go up in time, because as set participants grow, there are no new ones to help new members and the population is fixed? or does PCGS keep certifying them?
As long as they are in sets....they are attributed by PCGS.
CPG dropped the 1964D Roosevelt FS-803. PC removed it from the registry set. Is this case the FS-803 was the same as the FS-801 and was re-attributed. My understanding is if CPG drops a variety then PC will remove it from the registry. PC will still attribute the coin but call it a minor variety.
Does anyone here know when the new edition of the CPG is coming out? Also what edition should it be, as I have the 5th edition?
Later, Paul.
I have 6th edition for volume 1 - half cents through nickels
Thanks for the answer. I appreciate it as I try to get both volumes.
Let me rephrase my first question.
Does anyone here know when the new edition of the CPG Vol.2 Dimes through whatever is coming out? Also what edition should it be, as I have the 5th edition?
Later, Paul.
The 64-D 803 was a mistake and that is why it was removed. When the CPG move a variety to the back of book it is still in the Registry if it was in the Registry to start with.
Paul, they haven't even started vol. 2 yet. I have been in contact with Bill Fivaz about this. Will let you know if I hear anything.
But it is not required. The 1941-S Inverted mintmark FS-503 Jefferson is marked as debunked, and no longer required, but you can add it to your set.