China Silver Dollar Yuan Shih-Kai "fatman" coin. Is it 1921?

Previously characterized by a dealer at a coin show as the only coin in my collection that wasn't "junk", I believe I have correctly dated and identified this coin as a 1921 Fatman Chinese dollar, thanks to some Google searches and some posts I found here. Not in great condition, but most of my inherited coins aren't. I weighed it (26 grams) and I'm not sure what else I need to do, to verify that it's not a fake. Anyway I'm glad to have written some identifying info on the flip -- previously all I knew about the coin was that it was Asian.
I believe it is a 1921. The surfaces look suspect and there are tons of fakes out there.
The weight is about right, though. If it's not magnetic, and the diameter is 39mm, it's probably (but not definitely) real.
--Severian the Lame
The date is correct. The '+" in the obverse legend means 'ten' (added to the republic's founding year 1911 = 1921).
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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Hmm, EVP seems to have all the answers
8 Reales Madness Collection
Yes it's a fake.
Hoard the keys.
How can you tell?
Looks OK to me at first glance, but obviously I can't be certain from cell phone photos.
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
I'm Sorry it just has that look you can look at the edge if it's wider then the others that is one way and the ring tone of silver will work as well the look and size. A lot to look for but that is just some to look for, after looking at many you can go buy the look right off the bat.
Hoard the keys.