Identification and Authenticity of my coin!
Hey guy, I joined this forum because I happened to have in my possession a strange coin. It seems like an old/ancient coin with fine detailes but not as elaborated as early western cultures' coin. The scriptures are not clear to its origin, but please judge yourself.
Not sure if an actual coin - I'm leaning towards a token. But just a total WAG.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Does not appear ancient in my opinion.
I would lean toward token as well. Is it brass? Plated base metal?
Looks like someone's school/college art project.
Hoard the keys.
Fake what?
I don't know but it's a copy, I'll find it this my take some time.
Hoard the keys.
It's quite heavy and doesn't have effect under a magnet.
It's hard to tell from the photos, but it looks to be a brass or lead washed lead or lead alloy. It's a copy/fake of something.
Indeed it looks like a cast copy of something.
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Oh and...
to the forums.
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