Hello! Seeking help identifying gold fanam and Mexico wedding token

Hey everyone! New guy here so I hope this is in the right place.
When my grandmother passed, I found an old coin box my grandfather had hidden under a floorboard under a piano.
I found these two pieces. The larger one looks like it belongs in jewelry. The small one has me confused. If you dipped a pencil eraser in ink and pressed it to paper, the small coin would just about fill it.
It was with a lot of Italian coins and other stuff from Italy that he took home during the wars.
I'm not sure which is up and what is down, or what I'm even looking at, and would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Neat pair. The top one could be a gold Mexican wedding token.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Oh cool hey thanks check this out!
That's interesting, I love coins so much something new every day!
Still no luck doing a brute force Google search on the other. I haven't done coin Internet stuff since prodigy was hourly online connectivity.
The smaller piece may be a gold fanam. They are tiny gold coins from India.
That wouldn't surprise me. He had a sleeve of silver error coins from India in that box. Well, "error", but just struck special
Oh wow these are such beautiful coins! If you guys and gals haven't seen them before do a Google image search. Wowza.
Oh, God, I really forgot all about prodigy.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I posted about finding these in another forum I registered at and the guy wants to buy the Mexican marriage token. I've searched for hours and there's really no grading these but it's obviously immaculate, the wife said we had it xrayed once and it was almost 24k.
Do you folks have identifiers here, like people who specialize in 19th century Mexican gold (I think this is circa 1867?). It is at least real, it feels good in the hand for its size. Or someone with experience in fanams? The best I've read about collecting fanam sets is people just put together similar shapes and sell them in lots.
I have a double sided antique gold bezel I'm thinking of just keeping them in. I'm falling in love all over again haha.
Hey sorry if I'm bumping too soon (?) or how this forum works but I wanted to try and get better pictures so you folks can see what I'm looking at.
Going to check forum rules and check site functionality. Nice place you all have here.
Hang on to it if you like it. Gold is pretty liquid if you wanted to get rid of it in the future. Also, the token is marked 22K, if I'm not mistaken.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Maybe don't put them in a bezel. Perhaps just a simple flip for now until you get them figured out. Also, see if you can edit your thread title and add the words Mexico and fanam...that might catch someone's eye who can help.