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The Registry and Competition



  • steel75steel75 Posts: 1,604 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 12, 2017 12:58PM

    Most if not all of my registered sets have 1 person in the #1 spot. I could never afford to spend or would want to frankly to jump him. I just want to collect the best set I can have. If that leaves me at #2, then so be it.

    But we know some people are obsessed with getting that top spot. Not to acknowledge that is weird.

    1970's Steelers, Vintage Indians
  • LOTSOSLOTSOS Posts: 1,308 ✭✭✭✭✭


  • prgsdwprgsdw Posts: 503 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 12, 2017 4:03PM

    I don't see the competition as a bad thing, nor do I see avoiding or not being interested in that an issue. It is what it is. Like everything else, in moderation. For the sets I collect, Dallas Cowboys related sets, there is a lot of competition. There are some folks who put together tremendous collections years ago that are flat out awesome. I'm not sure why anyone woukd have an issue with that frankly. I just wish they'd post scans of the cards so folks could enjoy them fully.

    I have made a number of friends and contacts through the registry I wouldn't have met otherwise. I've sold items to them, purchased items from them, discussed auctions, etc. In other words, a positive experience with cooperative competition.

    I don't set out to get my set to #1, I just try and get the best set I can over time and if I'm fortunate enough to move to the top so be it. However I do post high resolution scans of all of the items. I've had nice discussions with people who like that the scans are there and they can see them. Other folks have been more defensive and don't update there progress for fear others will bid up the cards or buy them. I've always had the opinion I can't control that so I share my cards and it all works out fine.

    Very interesting thread to read the various perspectives.

  • electrodeelectrode Posts: 212 ✭✭✭
    edited February 17, 2017 7:03AM

    i did have the #1 Guy Lafleur Master Set completed and some guy comes in with less than 4% and ask for two European very rare graded sportscaster cards to be inserted,these items can not be found on EBay,i read in the past about a gentlemen who messes with collectors master sets by inserting oddball items could this be him ?

  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    He's a member here and a great source for oddball/foreign issues.

  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I like the competition of the Registry and believe it is only a waste of money if the money spent outweighs the enjoyment that it brings. For me the enjoyment that card collecting and the competition of the Registry brings is priceless. This is my haven away from the daily grind.


    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
    Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set

    Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The world is full of lots of different personalities. There are plenty of people that think collecting cards in any capacity is stupid. Among collectors you have a group that think collecting the bums from sets is even more stupid. I think the registry gives you a reason to get more connected to the set and appreciate the cards. Growing up no one in my age range would have dreamed of being concerned about the condition of the non star cards. Building a museum quality set may sound like a bad idea to some but trust me there is a great thrill when you are looking at cards that are extremely nice and truly represent the beauty of the set. Plenty of the top registry sets from various genres have taken years to compile. The amount of dedication and perseverance it takes to piece together a great set is much more time, money and effort than most are interested in. Quite frankly I can't imagine what some have gone through to complete the larger sets. I think where many can't relate is that the lower pop cards are like trophies. A hunter that goes out day after day looking for that buck and they continue to be eluded. Finally you hunt him down and can showcase the trophy on the wall. It represents passion and reminds you why it is fun to collect the set. The registry feeds the ego. That is no secret. I think that it makes collecting more fun and one of the reasons people get so hooked on it. I don't know anyone that doesn't like the sound of being able to say they are number #1. The entire hobby is built on ego. Prices for cards are ultimately determined by their interest and availability. The reason the modern market creates low pop insert cards is to give collectors the chance to say I have something that you don't or my card is better than your card. Ultimately the registry just takes older cards and by condition makes them like refactors and when a few truly appreciate the cards you have action. Now the forces of life take over and the prices rise. There is nothing wrong with people getting very attached to their position in the registry. If you saw them come on the boards and constantly remind others of it than perhaps you have an issue but at the end of the day the pursuit to have better than others will fuel this concept for a long time.

  • electrodeelectrode Posts: 212 ✭✭✭
    edited March 9, 2017 6:43AM

    concerning my Lafleur master i had it at 100% complete , sure it is nice to say you have something that another someone does not have but the person has the set less than 4% complete why be a killjoy?

  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 16, 2017 7:03PM

    @electrode said:
    concerning my Lafleur master set sure it is nice to say you have something that another person does not have but why be kill joy?

    I really only collect actual sets. If the person finds a card that is relevant to a player set and then they go and try and get it added to the registry I don't see a problem with it. Especially if it is a master set. Cards pop up all of the time from overseas that impact master sets. There might be cases where this isn't true but in most it is really just someone beating someone else to the punch. Someone is going get the card graded eventually. I personally would find it tough to be a player set collector for this reason.

  • wrestlingcardkingwrestlingcardking Posts: 4,555 ✭✭✭✭

    It is a balancing act with the registry and what one collects. I thought of collecting Andre the Giant cards but companies are still producing cards of him today and I have little interest in his modern stuff. I am getting out of his set but may just stick to his cards from the 70s, and 80s or perhaps until his death in 1993. You have to decide if it is worth getting them all. I may get annoyed by someone adding a card to a registry but it is certainly within their right.

    BUYING Frank Gotch T229 Kopec
    Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
  • dytch2220dytch2220 Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭

    I found adding new cards to be a thrilling part of being a player collector. In the heyday of my Bo Jackson collection I was reading every hobby book with a checklist, finding checklists online - anything I could to uncover all of the issues that had not been graded yet which were licensed. I'm of the opinion that the master set should include all properly licensed cards or card-like items that were produced during playing years. If you're collecting the master list this is what you are on board for otherwise there is a basic set for the less-than-hardcore. So, I sought to proactively find the cards that other long-term collectors didn't have which were already in the set or to add new cards which had previously not been listed but were legitimate. I still have a list of cards that need to be added to that set to complete it in my mind and maybe when I get over my heartbreak from selling the key cards I'll get back into that set again. @electrode I don't think anyone is trying to kill your joy, they are just pursuing their own which happens to conflict with yours.

    The N8 Collection: PSA Registry Sets & Showcases
  • bammerbbbammerbb Posts: 162 ✭✭✭

    I don't think you can blame the registry sets being the problem; like a lot of other things require the people and they are the problem. I know some great people on here who are content to make their sets because they love looking at the cards. I try to make a small set that I have a hope to complete. And that's why I the Derek Jeter Super set with over 6000 cards is unfinishable for me. I don't have the cash to compete. If you make a set because you love the vintage (or modern) cards I'm all for you and I'll be sure to help out if I can.

    @MULLINS5 said:

    @LOTSOS said:

    @MULLINS5 said:
    The registry is a loss of time away from loved ones and money. It is an addiction for a lot of people. A disease. When I see people losing money and time over ranks and GPA's, I'm generally disheartened and not impressed.

    To each their own. Some people probably don't enjoy however or whatever it is you collect. That's good for you because that's less competition.

    Whenever someone posts here it puts them in a spotlight. Calling what you don't agree with a "disease" paints you in a certain light. Saying it's an "addiction" lends me to believe you don't know what an addiction is. But take heart. I doubt that one single person was trying to impress you with their registry.


    It is my opinion that the registry is a waste of money. It is my opinion that it is a waste of time away from loved ones. It is not my opinion that addiction is a disease - that is a fact, and it is absurd to think that of the tens of thousands of registry sets out there, not a single person is addicted to building or maintaining a set. I know someone who drained their 401k and got a second mortgage to maintain a number one set. This person paid me, and others, insane amounts of money for upgrades, then a few years down asked if we'd buy them back because he was flat broke. When I read what the OP posted about the guy dropping thousands on cards, likely overpaying just to maintain an arbitrary and autocratic checklist of cards, it reminds of this gentleman and the fact that there are folks who so screw-up their personal lives for a little star icon to satisfy their desires and impress others.

  • miwlvrnmiwlvrn Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @dytch2220 said:
    I found adding new cards to be a thrilling part of being a player collector. In the heyday of my Bo Jackson collection I was reading every hobby book with a checklist, finding checklists online - anything I could to uncover all of the issues that had not been graded yet which were licensed. I'm of the opinion that the master set should include all properly licensed cards or card-like items that were produced during playing years. If you're collecting the master list this is what you are on board for otherwise there is a basic set for the less-than-hardcore. So, I sought to proactively find the cards that other long-term collectors didn't have which were already in the set or to add new cards which had previously not been listed but were legitimate. I still have a list of cards that need to be added to that set to complete it in my mind and maybe when I get over my heartbreak from selling the key cards I'll get back into that set again. @electrode I don't think anyone is trying to kill your joy, they are just pursuing their own which happens to conflict with yours.

    Exactly. The concept behind the Master Sets, by definition, is to include any and all legitimately issued and gradable items (with a production run of a minimum of 4) that were issued during the player's active professional years. The composition of the Master Sets will always be a work in progress, likely never officially capped per set. The globalization of the collectibles market in the modern era has opened up the discovery and availability to foreign and oddball items that was nearly impossible before the internet became the primary source of shopping. There is a whole world of legit items out there and regardless of who submits them or when they are graded, it will happen eventually, and by design the Master Set compositions is where those belong. And new ones will continue to be dug up all the time. So, when engaging in a Master Set collection, the ever growing composition of the set is a trait you're signing up for. That being the case, you have to ask yourself what your goal is in working on a Master Set. If it is to achieve 100% completion, then you'd have to accept that it will be a cyclical, temporary achievement, or else stick to Basic Sets where the composition is a fixed data set. If your goal is to retain the #1 spot on that registry (regardless of completion percentage), then the periodic addition of an item will almost never change the rank standings except in the most competitive of close races. There is no requirement out there to obtain every item simply because they exist. If your goal is to collect all the items you can of a certain player, then may as well take interest in the discovery of new items of that player being available, and keep the rank spot and completion percentage as distant secondary concerns.

  • miwlvrnmiwlvrn Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭

    P.S.: The Habs registry sets listed under rocket52 are very impressive (congratulations!), and IMO they are not made any less so when considering the ones where the completion percentage may be below 100%.

  • ugaskidawgugaskidawg Posts: 882 ✭✭✭

    I agree with the mentality that a master set by definition will constantly change. A basic set on the other hand will remain constant. Although I have backed away and liquidated some from my Yaz master set in pursuit of personal business opportunity, I know that I would have never been close to 100%. When I stopped last month, I had just under 50% complete and sat at #7 overall. One of the cards - 1967 stand up - was never going to be in my possession. So ridiculously rare. I know 2 collectors who one them (one graded and one raw). A handful of others have copies of this card.

    I just recently popped 2 Yaz panels. There have now been a total of 4 graded ever. I have not seen many raw throughout the years. I have asked that they be added to the master set, because that is where they deserve to be. It is fun to contribute to the hobby by continuing to add to these registry sets.

    With all that said, I totally hear the frustration too of achieving a high milestone and then having it messed with in some way.

  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 17, 2017 12:05PM

    Man bobmoat and Gemyanks10 what took you guys so long to hit the disagree button??? I expect better of you guys. You're slacking.

  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Having read this thread I think a lot of things posted here are subject to individuals and their own personal situations, there is nothing wrong with anything a person does as long as it has no ill effects on anyone else. Yes there are situations where a collector could financially ruin his or her self chasing a #1 spot where as another person might have unlimited funds and has the finances and time to chase a #1 spot, every person has a different situation so there really isn't one definite right or wrong answer.

  • Gemyanks10Gemyanks10 Posts: 1,164 ✭✭✭

    @Dpeck100 said:
    Man bobmoat and Gemyanks10 what took you guys so long to hit the disagree button??? I expect better of you guys. You're slacking.

    Well let me tell ya sumthin brother! Me and all my CU maniacs are cuttin and struttin all over these forums dude! I've been trainin, sayin my prayers, and eatin my vitamins all day brother...You will find out what the strongest force in the universe is dude...with the CU maniacs by my side brother, we are going to make CU great again dude!

    Always looking for OPC "tape intact" baseball wax boxes, and 1984 OPC baseball PSA 10's for my set. Please PM or email me if you have any available.
  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    @Gemyanks10 said:

    @Dpeck100 said:
    Man bobmoat and Gemyanks10 what took you guys so long to hit the disagree button??? I expect better of you guys. You're slacking.

    Well let me tell ya sumthin brother! Me and all my CU maniacs are cuttin and struttin all over these forums dude! I've been trainin, sayin my prayers, and eatin my vitamins all day brother...You will find out what the strongest force in the universe is dude...with the CU maniacs by my side brother, we are going to make CU great again dude!


  • hyperchipper09hyperchipper09 Posts: 1,460 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 21, 2017 10:04AM

    I added 2 cards to the Lawrence Taylor Basic & Collector Issues set over a couple of years. A 93 Coca Cola Monsters and a 93 Score. I felt a little heelish adding the Coca Cola monsters card but, it's not that tough to locate a raw one and get one graded. Didn't feel bad about adding the 93 Score at all, that should have been in the set from the get-go. For Master sets like the Lafleur and adding tough to find cards though, eh, it happens. It's why they are called Master Sets.

    Edit to add: takes absolutely nothing away from the Rocket52 Lafleur set though, among the Habs sets, like someone else posted. Even at under 100% those Montreal sets, from a lifetime Montreal fan like myself, are magic.

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