Tax question regarding consignments. Any information is truly appreciated.

I took advantage of the market rush last year and sold a few high dollar cards through PWCC. I was wondering if I will get anything showing the sales to report to the IRS, or how that even works. I can't imagine Brent sending out anything listing all the sales to all of his customers. Thanks, Tom
I have the same question. I to went through Brent.
He should. He needs to be able to substantiate payments that went out to you guys so that he can deduct them from what Paypal is going to report on his 1099-K.
Maybe contact PWCC and ask.
If he does the info should have been sent out a few days ago. I believe any forms that you are getting that you are required to file taxes on are supposed to be sent out by the last day of January by law.
In the brokerage world 1099's have to go out by the end of February.
I have never received a 1099 from Brent