Question on Mexican gold pesos

Is there any difference in value between restrike gold pesos and earlier ones or are they all just considered bullion (in AU condition +/-)? Looking to do a six coin type set.
Previous transactions: Wondercoin, goldman86, dmarks, Type2
Restrike gold Pesos? Never heard of them. Can you give an example?
The 1945 Dos Pesos have been restruck, but not Republica gold Pesos AFAIK.
Yes, Dos Pesos thru 50 pesos have been restruck. I'll double check my gold book.
The Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins states that:
4,590.493 2 pesos were restruck between 1951-1972, with most likely dated 1945
5,025,087 2.5 pesos were restruck between 1951-1972, with most likely dated 1945
1,767,645 5 pesos were restruck between 1955-1972, with most likely dated 1955
954,983 10 pesos were restruck between 1961-1972, with most likely dated 1959
1,158414 20 pesos were restruck between 1960-1971, with most likely dated 1959
3,975,654 50 pesos were restruck between 1949-1972, with most likely dated 1947
Prices, according to the book (not sure of the accuracy in the current market), appear to show the originals and the restrikes trading similarly in terms of price. However there are exceptions, such as the 1920 10 pesos, with a reported mintage of 12,000, its value is listed at nearly three times that of other dated 10 pesos coins.
Not sure if this was what you meant in your question, but I hope it helps.
I'd view past auction sales if possible to get a better picture of recent market prices.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
That's the answer I needed, thanks much!