You might have a 1/1, but do you have a 1/1/1/1 ?
Yeah, 1/1's are rare. They are great and what many collectors dream about. I always drool over them for sure. As I am sitting at about 143 of them right now, I have to say that I don't do a double take nearly as much as I used to when I didn't have any.
When someone (sadly, I can't recall the user) told me of an Archives buyback 1/1 that was posted on a forum months ago, I was excited. I reached out to the user HillbillyCletus and we exchanged texts. There was something different about this 1/1 though, which he shared with me. (I'll show it in the pic at the bottom.)
When he declined my offer, I was bummed, but didn't blame him at all. Months later, I decided to reach out to him again and he said he would part with it.
Well, friends - here it is. The 1/1/1/1 - also known as the DOUBLE ONE OF ONE!
It doesn't show up in pics too well, and didn't through text either, so I was wondering if the 1/1 stamp was just imprinted on the right side. NOPE - it too, is gold. You can see it much better in person.
I love stuff like this that is unusual - it is a HUGE plus that it is a gorgeous signed 1/1.... I mean 1/1/1/1 I think I'm now at 97 or so unique 2015-2016 Topps Archives Signature Series Canseco cards. 3 more 'til I hit 100!
A 1/1 that was bought back and made 1/1 again for another set? Far out card!
Maybe - the world may never know!
That's one heck of an addition to an already awesome collection