Box or case?
I'm looking to pickup either a 3 box case or a six box case of this years UD The Cup and set them on a shelf for a few decades. Now I'm most certainly not the only one who has done it but it's such a huge year with McDavid and the other rookies in the class that I figure what the heck. Worst case I have a very expensive door stop in a few years.
The cases have been going for around $700 per box with the 3 box cases much more plentiful. Now here's my dilemma. I can acquire 5 boxes which if I believe the seller are all from the same case for about $500/ box. That's a nice little chunk of change to save.
Now UD claims randomized cases so technically it shouldn't matter. I've bought into a few breaks and from one 3 box case pulled 1 Eichel base, an Eichel base patch and an O'Riley auto (don't recall the exact card they should be here next week). Not one Oiler was in the case. On the other hand I've witnessed an Oiler run box with a McDavid a Gretzky and another I don't recall. I've also witnessed last year with the UD SP Authentic cases a quirk where every Crosby base was immediately followed by a Malkin. I called it the Bert and Ernie effect.
Now that was only base cards so obviously the packs aren't completely random. And that's understandable you don't want them throwing them into cement mixer like they did with the '51 Parkies! Since The Cup is higher end and only 5 cards to a pack that would seem easier to randomize. Maybe.
So to those of you who have collected much longer than me. Is FASC going to be that critical going forward with the supposed randomization of modern cards?
i just went to an online dealer and checked prices for 2011 the cup.
the boxes are $300 but a sealed 3 box case is $$895 and a 6 box case is $1775
doesnt seem in 5 years that any extra premium is given towards a sealed case....probably because each box is factory sealed.
the fasc designation is usually better in older wax when nobody knows how many hands touched a pack and the fasc makes it untouched.
i dont think a sealed case is any better than single boxes for modern the cheaper boxes. save the $$$ and get the $500per box.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I didn't think it would make a difference but since unopened is new to me I figured I'd ask some of you who specialize in it.
It matters.
If the first tin opened yields the case hit, all other tins from that case are devalued.
With loose tins, no guarantee of a case hit.
Much less desirable.
Ok valid point but then is there a difference in quality of the case hit between 3 & 6 box cases? Because if not buying two 3 box cases seems like a better buy.
better in 6 box cases, of course.