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Day 2 (first day of regular foot traffic) of NYINC 2017

It's Friday morning and I am simply miserable. I got maybe two or three segments of short sleep. I had hoped to meet Zohar for coffee (or in my case hot chocolate), but couldn't shake the drowsiness fast enough. Managed to make it to the show around 11am.

To be honest, I can't recall what happened next because I am so tired but it is approximately something like this:

Went to see CRO to tease him about something he wrote in his Road Report, but by the time I got there I completely forgot. Tried to see Atlas' inventory, but it was so tight that I gave up. Then went to another table to look at a nice gold coin that was priced extremely optimistically as a favor for someone. Didn't like the coin for its grade/price.

Sat down at a table whose USA dealer specializes in Anglo-Saxon (not CNG), and was soon joined by Nap who shared my approval about a very nice early Anglo-Saxon gold coin.

Walked around some more. Drooled over the great stuff at Sovereign Rarities (or whatever is their official name), who have a great "cartouche" Chaz I silver pound as well as an out-of-this-world early 18th Century Tuscany crown-sized piece. Both were too rich for me. Saw some very tempting pieces at Sonntag and Gorny tables, but did not execute on any. I also saw the two most special purchases by Zohar at this show so far: the Hungary 2T and one other piece that I think he has not yet mentioned here (so I will not spoil the announcement for him).

Finished up my day by taking my Italian dealer friend to dinner in Korea Town with my wife. Too much food, too much exhaustion from today's activities. It is possible to have too much of a good thing. (Zohar last minute couldn't join us for dinner; he weaseled his way out of paying for dinner -- that cheap b@stard!)


How does one get a hater to stop hating?

I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com


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