Re-entering the hobby

Hey, dipping my toe back into the hobby after about a 7 year hiatus. Just curious how things have changed since then. Looks like prices/values have increased quite a bit .
Main question; Is Ebay still the primary means to buying/selling? I welcome any other input anyone may have as I try and gather my bearings. Thanks in advance
Travis - used to be kcballboy
Primary yes, only no
"mint" cards have gotten more expensive. Vintage (1955-1975) PSA8's have weakened in many cases, and 7's and below seem to have dropped in price. Of course it depends on the player.
Not wanting to clutter the forum with multiple threads...does PSA return ship to PO boxes? I seem to remember they did not but not sure if I'm misremembering.
Travis - used to be kcballboy
Yes, I use PO Box for several grading companies. And the answer the first question, as eBay's fees rise I see more and more niche sites pop up. I sell a lot of lesser items on Facebook now, and for expensive items I use auction house.
For the largest variety and most prospective buyers, ebay is the place. But there are alternate places like comc and sports lots
Welcome back!!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I'm familiar with sport lots. What's comc?
Travis - used to be kcballboy
Check out my cards. You send them your cards and they scan, list and ship. I think their cut is a little too high, but I like to squeeze the last nickel. Perhaps for someone who doesn't have a lot of time on their hands, comc would be a good option..
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Submission question; back in the day you had to label each card with the submission # and line# from the form. I don't see that anywhere in the guide, do I need to do that or can I just pack them up and send them out?
Travis - used to be kcballboy