1984 Football Vending Box

Anyone want to guesstimate a value on this? There is a Marino and Elway on the top the other cards have that collated look/curl.
Anyone want to guesstimate a value on this? There is a Marino and Elway on the top the other cards have that collated look/curl.
Limited now because the presumption is that those are the only Marino and Elways in the box. It's The value in vending is that there may be multiples of the key cards. I wouldn't pay more that what a nmmt set would go for. Maybe $200-250 max.
I agree with Brian. Since it has been searched it is worth no more than the cards that are there.
People are so enamoured with that vending pattern, but as long as the cards are kept in the same order, you can sort through the box and still have it look untouched.
What Brian said. I no longer mess with vending boxes for this reason. Don't see how anyone can say they are unsearched with 100 percent certainty unless they come from a sealed case.
THANK YOU for your comments thus far